59 Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids

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I was looking for Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids but I could not find anything new to say to my kids. All the Alexa commands were old and were not funny for my kids anymore. So, I compiled 59 Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids and make your little laugh. Let’s laugh together.

59 Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids

So, here are 59 fun and kid-friendly things to ask Alexa:

Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids
  • “Alexa, tell me a joke about a broken teddy.”
  • “Alexa, make my kid laugh out loud!”
  • “Alexa, tell me a funny story for X years old.”
  • “Alexa, can you do a magic trick?”
  • “Alexa, who’s your favorite superhero from my house?”
  • “Alexa, can you tell me a riddle for X years old?”
  • “Alexa, what’s your favorite color outside the rainbow?”
  • “Alexa, do you like to take a bath with ice cream?”
  • “Alexa, do you like to wiggle pizza?”
  • “Alexa, can you tell me a knock-knock joke?”
  • “Alexa, what’s the funniest animal you know?”
Funny To Ask Alexa For Kids
  • “Alexa, what’s the best joke ever you have listened?”
  • “Alexa, tell me a silly tongue twister for an X years old.”
  • “Alexa, can you meow like a dog?”
  • “Alexa, can you bark like a cat?”
  • “Alexa, do you believe in love at first TYPE?”
  • “Alexa, why do we park in driveways and drive on parkways?”
  • “Alexa, can you write a haiku about pizza?”
  • “Alexa, what’s my favorite dance move?”
  • “Alexa, do you have a funny cat song to sing?”
  • “Alexa, tell me a joke about school kids.”
  • “Alexa, tell me a joke about aliens.”
  • “Alexa, tell me a joke about carrot.”
Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids

“Alexa, what’s your favorite type of cookie?”

“Alexa, tcan you cook me some cookies?”

“Alexa, did you ever go to space?”

“Alexa, can you cook me some pasta?”

“Alexa, can you sing the ABCs in a funny voice?”

“Alexa, what’s the silliest word someone asked you?”

“Alexa, what’s your favorite food to eat?”

“Alexa, tell me a joke about your self.”

“Alexa, can you tell me a joke in a robot voice?”

“Alexa, did you see dinosaurs?”

“Alexa, do you like to dance?”

“Alexa, do you like bugs?”

“Alexa, can I be a superhero as an X years old?”

“Alexa, can you make a funny sound?”

“Alexa, did you ever see monsters?”

“Alexa, did you ever get wet in the ocean?”

“Alexa, what’s your favorite joke of all time?”

“Alexa, do you like jokes?”

“Alexa, can you do a silly dance?”

“Alexa, do you like eating fruits?”

“Alexa, what’s your favorite knock-knock joke?”

“Alexa, can you tell me a joke in singing style?”

“Alexa, can you make a funny face?”

“Alexa, what’s your favorite type of weather?”

“Alexa, did you ever see aliens?”

“Alexa, what’s the silliest joke you know?”

“Alexa, can you tell me a joke about robots?”

“Alexa, can you make a funny noise?”

“Alexa, do you have a joke about animals?”

“Alexa, I want to grow trees in my fridge. Can you help?”

“Alexa, can you tell me a joke in a pirate voice?”

“Alexa, what’s your favorite knock-knock joke?”

“Alexa, can you tell me a joke about Alexa?”

“Alexa, can you make a funny impression?”

“Alexa, what is the funniest thing someone asked you about outer space?”

“Alexa, what’s your favorite joke about the future?”

“Alexa, did you ever fall down on the beach?”

“Alexa, can you tell me a joke your maker?”

“Alexa, can you make a funny sound?”


  • Q: What can Alexa do for kids to laugh?
  • A: Alexa is a great source of jokes, wordplay, and entertaining games that can keep kids laughing and engaged.
  • Q: Are there specific jokes for kids on Alexa?
  • A: Absolutely! Alexa is a great helper to keep your kids laughing with jokes. It also knows some stories to keep kids happy when you are not around.
  • Q: Does Alexa like to make kids laugh?
  • A: Yes, this article has a list of jokes that Alexa enjoys sharing with kids.

Final Words

Alexa is a great helper for your kids to laugh and there are a lot of other commands which Alexa can follow to make kids laugh. If you need more Alexa commands to make kids happy, comment below and I will write another article on Funny Things To Ask Alexa For Kids. Thank you for reading this article on Smart Home Devices Pro!

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