What Search Engine Does Alexa Use?

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I was just out of the office and got a little bored so I started asking Alexa about search engines. She responded: Alexa uses Bing as its default search engine. However, there are third-party skills that allow you to search Google with Alexa.

This article will discuss the default search engine used by Amazon Alexa, as well as how to change it to Google if desired.

Table of Contents
    amazon echo change search engine

    Amazon does not offer any official way to change Alexa’s search engine. This is because Amazon and Microsoft have a partnership agreement that gives Bing the exclusive rights to be the default search engine for Alexa devices.

    Change Alexa search engine to google

    It is possible to change Alexa’s search engine to Google, but it is not an officially supported feature and may not be available in all regions. If you are interested in using Google search with Alexa, I recommend checking out the “Ask Google” skill.

    Google Assistant Skill can be found in the Alexa Skills Store and that it requires a Google account to set up.

    Here are the steps on how to use the “Ask Google” skill:

    Open the Alexa app and go to the Skills & Games tab.

    Search for the “Ask Google” skill and click on the Install button.

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    Once the skill is installed, say “Alexa, enable Ask Google.”

    Now, you can say “Alexa, ask Google” to search the web using Google.

    Please note that the “Ask Google” skill is not perfect and may not always return the same results as Google Search. However, it is a good option if you prefer to use Google Search with Alexa.

    Update: This skill is not on the web. Let’s hope them to revert.

    Which Search Engine Does Alexa Use?

    Here is a table comparing and contrasting Bing and Google, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each search engine:

    How To Change The Search Engine On The Echo Show

    To change the search engine on Amazon’s Echo Show, follow these steps:

    Open up the Echo Show’s settings.

    >> ‘Device Options.’

    Tap on ‘Web Options.’

    Now ‘Browser Settings.’

    Tap on ‘Advanced Settings.’

    Tap on ‘Search Engine.’

    Select Google

    where does alexa get her information

    Is Bing Reliable?

    Bing is generally reliable, but it is not as reliable as Google. In a study by FSI, Bing was found to return disinformation and misinformation at a significantly higher rate than Google.

    alexa search engine

    Can Alexa use Google Maps?

    It makes sense that Alexa uses Bing as the search engine for obtaining answers to queries. But the question remains: Can Alexa use Google Maps?

    To change your Default Navigation App on iOS, you need to first open the Alexa app on your phone.

    change alexa search engine to google

    Once the app is open, go to “Settings” > “Traffic” > “Default Navigation App” > Select “Google Maps“.

    change alexa search engine to google

    The answer is yes, in fact, it can. However, we’ll say more on this later.

    Can Alexa use Google Search?

    Alexa can use Google’s search results in the same way you do. Alexa is much more sophisticated than a human, so it is natural that it would use Google’s search engine, which is more powerful than Alexa’s. As with any technology with an interface, users can opt to use it or not (though some are less happy about it). Alexa uses Google Search for many of its searches.

    Alexa can also access Wikipedia

    Alexa can also access Wikipedia directly through Bing by pressing the search button on the keyboard (and tapping the link in the results). This is useful when looking up information about a specific topic which may be banned from Wikipedia due to its violent content.


    Amazon Alexa’s use of Bing as its primary search engine is beneficial to users and helps to improve the overall experience.

    How to use Google Assistant Skill to search Google with Alexa?

    Alexa’s default search engine is Bing. However, you can also use the Google Assistant Skill to search Google with Alexa. The Google Assistant Skill is a third-party skill that can be found in the Alexa Skills Store. It requires a Google account to set up.

    Last Updated: August 20, 2023

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